Lost In Colour > View Artworks

His vision was shrouded by the beauty of the gold ornament
acrylic and oil stick on canvas
152 x 182.5 cm
I swam in lake Guatavita and came out covered in emeralds
acrylic and oil stick on canvas
181.5 x 182.5 cm
The jaguar got lost in the field of yellow corn searching for his necklace of claws
acrylic, oil stick and pigmented ink on canvas
199.5 x 137 cm
The gods came in many forms to silence the powers at be
acrylic and pigmented ink on canvas
199.5 x 137 cm
Head in the trees hearing the golden bells ring
acrylic, oil stick, pigmented ink and enamel on canvas
199.5 x 137 cm
The god of the dead come to collect his offerings
acrylic and pigmented ink on canva
199.5 x 137 cm
On the road to El Dorado I saw two llamas
acrylic and oil stick on canvas
182 x 183 cm
A stylish figure appeared to stop me as I climbed the temple
acrylic and oil stick on canvas
182.5 x 182 cm
Wicked Fizz would always make my tongue tingle
Painted wood on steel base
188 x 30 x 15 cm
The Bubble-O-Bill bubblegum always lost its flavour too quick
Painted wood on steel base
191 x 30 x 15 cm
liked the colours of my balaclava painting so much I used them again
Painted wood on steel base
191 x 30 x 15 cm